Add a route with multiple stops

susanne peterka

It would be great if you could create a route with multiple stops....

Translated form original below:
Es wäre toll, wenn man eine Route erstellen könnte mit mehreren Stationen...


Activity Newest / Oldest


Leon Wilson

Merged with: Map - Show Route, connecting Lines


It would be great, if you can see the route on the map. That the places you visited, are connected with lines. So other people can comprehend your route.


new option „show travelroute“:
by connecting foto pins in the map with lines / arrows in a chronologic order, more „complicated“ travel routes could be depicted (e.g. bike or walking holidays with crisscrossing routes)
(probably easy and avoids the data protection issues of permanent tracking)


Leon Wilson

Merged with: Show travelroutes in maps by connecting pins


Guillaume CALMEL (Guitou)

I’m writing to you to suggest an improvement I’d like to see in my new photo books.
One of your competitors presents itineraries in a different way to yours. It would be interesting to be able to choose this type of map with the number of km, photos, etc...
To be able to put a plane or a car or a train etc. to show the mode of locomotion used on each journey.
Thank you(Translated from the original below).


Je me permets de vous écrire afin de vous soumettre une idée d'amélioration qui me plairait pour mes nouveaux livres photos.
Un de vos concurrents présente les itinéraires d'une autre façon que vous. Il serait intéressant d'avoir le choix de choisir ce type de carte avec aussi le nombre de km, de photos, etc..
Pouvoir mettre un avion ou une voiture ou un train etc.. pour montrer le mode de locomotion utilisé sur chaque trajet.



Leon Wilson

Merged with: Itineraire


Leon Wilson

Status changed to: Idea