Being able to edit moments on your laptop/PC and to comment them.
04.05.2022 -
Newest / Oldest
Ralph Tamlyn
I like to look at pictures on my PC since they are then so much larger. I'd like to be able to comment via the PC UI. Right now, I can only react and must go to my phone to comment. Seems like a silly restriction.
Moments on your journi in the blog can only be added from the mobile application. It would be convenient to be able to do it from the browser too so you can do it from the PC
Merged with:
Add a moment to your Journis from your browser
Hello, Will it soon be possible to comment on Journis from the website rather than only through the applications on cell phones and tablets? (translated from the original below)
Bonjour, Est-ce qu’il sera bientôt possible de commenter les journis à partir du site web plutôt qu’uniquement au moyen des applications sur cellulaires et tablettes?
Activity Newest / Oldest
Ralph Tamlyn
I like to look at pictures on my PC since they are then so much larger. I'd like to be able to comment via the PC UI. Right now, I can only react and must go to my phone to comment. Seems like a silly restriction.
Leon Wilson
Merged with: Allow comments via PC user interface
Josef Plíhal
Please! I need this!
Moments on your journi in the blog can only be added from the mobile application. It would be convenient to be able to do it from the browser too so you can do it from the PC
Leon Wilson
Merged with: Add a moment to your Journis from your browser
Hello, Will it soon be possible to comment on Journis from the website rather than only through the applications on cell phones and tablets? (translated from the original below)
Bonjour, Est-ce qu’il sera bientôt possible de commenter les journis à partir du site web plutôt qu’uniquement au moyen des applications sur cellulaires et tablettes?
Leon Wilson
Merged with: Possibilité de commenter sur la version web de Journi
It would be great to be able to update my blog on line and not just from my phone.
Clara Masó
Merged with: Online ability to update blog
Leon Wilson
Status changed to: Idea
Leon Wilson
Post moved to this board